Rituals make your wedding unique
Rituals can be a special part of your wedding.
They symbolise the uniting of you and your partner, and you can also include your extended families, friends, or your children.
Recently I have worked with couples to include rituals that have been fun and created unique memories for them.
In February at Church Road Winery in Hawke’s Bay, Ash and Sam blended sand from Westport and Gisborne. Areas where they grew up. Our learning from that ritual was to make sure that the sand was dry. It was a little damp and they needed spoons to blend the sand into their unity jar!
In April at the Auckland War Memorial Museum, Manon and James enclosed love letters to each other and sealed a wine bag including their special bottle of wine. Their plan is to open the bag, read the letters and drink the wine on a significant date in seven years time. They used a wine bag because they were returning to Australia, and needed customs to be able to easily see the contents (rather than use a wooden wine box).
In July at Luxerose beside the Parnell Rose Gardens, Mia and Rommel included a candle lighting ceremony. At the start of the ceremony two of their dear friends lit the taper candles, which represented the bride and groom, . After their vows, Mia and Rommel lit the unity candle from each taper. This representing the new light that they now create as a couple.
Also at this ceremony, as their celebrant, I welcomed the guests and asked them to bless the wedding rings.
And also in July, at Albert Park in Central Auckland, Anael and Audrey chose to include two rituals. As part of their vows, we included a hand fasting ceremony with two different coloured ribbons, each representing the bride and groom. One of their witnesses draped the ribbons over their wrists, and I tied an infinity knot. This was pulled by the bride and groom after the completion of their vows. And after the signing of the marriage documents, a wine ritual occurred. Both the bride and groom hammered a small nail into a wooden box containing their special wine and love letters to be opened in ten years.
Rituals are fun and a significant way to show your new special unity.
For some other ideas, visit mynicewedding.ru